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  Your Child's Skin Care  - Tips for Dealing with Your Kids' Minor Skin Problems

Your Child's Skin Care

Tips for Dealing with Your Kids' Minor Skin Problems


Children have a tendency to get cuts, scrapes, burns and other minor skin irritations and conditions. Here are some tips to help you deal with your child's minor skin problems. For more tips, articles and information visit Childrens' Skin Care website.

  • Sun Safety: Keep your kids sun safe. Protecting children from the sun is very important in reducing the risk of later skin problems, including skin cancer. Studies have shown that between 50% and 80% of lifetime sun exposure occurs before age 18.

  • Sun Protection: Educate your children about sun protection. Protecting children from the sun - by using sunscreen and ensuring that they wear a hat and protective clothing when outdoors - is an important way to prevent later sun-related problems, including skin cancer.

  • Baby's Sensitive Skin: Babies obviously have sensitive skin, so make sure you are using products that are gentle and specially formulated for them, like specially formulated laundry soap (i.e. Ivory Snow). Remember, it is common for little bumps to appear, but if they don't go away make sure you show your pediatrician.

  • Hand Washing 101: Washing your hands and teaching your child to wash their hands correctly, will help protect against many bacteria and viruses. Start by washing your hands in warm water for at least 15 seconds. Using soap, rub your hands together vigorously, paying particular attention to the areas between your fingers and under your fingernails. Dry your hands with a clean dry towel. If you're in a public restroom, use paper towel to turn off the taps and open the door.

  • Ringworm: Contrary to popular belief, ringworm has nothing to do with worms! It's a fungal infection characterized by red and scaly ring-shaped patches on the upper body, hands or feet. If you have a suppressed immune system, play contact sports or have a child who has a fungal skin infection, you're more likely to get ringworm. See your doctor for treatment options. Read more on

  • Bruises: Act quickly to reduce the severity of a bruise. Bruising is caused by broken blood vessels under the skin. Applying ice as soon as your child is injured can help reduce the bleeding and swelling.

  • Blisters: Pull out that moleskin if they get have a blister. One way to protect a blister is to cut moleskin into a doughnut shape to surround the blister. This will protect it from further injury - and the possibility of infection - while it heals.

  • Burns: Don't put anything on a burn. Ointments and other lotions may increase your risk of infection. Also, leave the burn uncovered. This will help it to heal faster.

  • Cuts and Scrapes: Most minor cuts and scrapes will quickly heal with proper care. But for those that won't stop bleeding, that have debris in the wound that you can't remove, or that are on the face, you should seek medical advice.

For more tips on healthy and beautiful skin, visit