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  Learning About Sun Protection

Learning About Sun Protection

By The SkinCareGuide Advisory Board

Caring For Your Skin this Summer

Sunshine, although essential for health and well being, is certainly a hazard for the skin. For many people it feels good to spend time outdoors and this makes it difficult to avoid excessive exposure to the sun. Most of the sun exposure we accumulate throughout our lives, is thought to be the effect of multiple short periods of time outside. If the ozone depletion continues this may also increase our lifetime exposure.

Sun damage of the skin, also known as photo damage can be either acute, as in a sunburn or more commonly, chronic, seen as gradual changes in the skin caused by an accumulation of sun exposure throughout one's life. Chronic photo damage results in either a cosmetic change in the skin's appearance called photo aging, or changes that are of medical and health concerns such as pre-cancerous lesions and skin cancers. Look for more information on The evidence is very strong that ultra-violet light is the cause of most of the changes that we consider to be associated with aging of the skin.

To learn more about your skin and sun protection, read one of the recent articles we have featured here:

  Age Spots? Sun Spots? Skin Cancer?
As time goes on, we start to notice brown spots and freckles -- "souvenirs of Florida" -- on the backs of our hands and on other sun exposed areas like the upper chest and face. At first these brown spots are small and light colored, but eventually they become a cosmetic problem -- an obvious sign of premature aging of the skin because of ultraviolet damage from sun exposure or from tanning beds. Read More...

  Struggling With Your Mirror Image
As we age, the skin droops and develops wrinkles, lines and furrows. Depending on your skin type, you may find your skin to be pre-disposed to wrinkling. But thanks to diligent research and new advances, there are a number of solutions to combat facial lines.

  Is Your Skin Discolored From the Sun? It May be Melasma.
Melasma is a common increase of pigmentation that occurs exclusively in sun-exposed areas, in particular on the face. Melasma usually causes three different patterns of symmetrical pigmentation on the face, affecting most commonly the central face (cheeks, forehead, upper lip, nose, and chin); or less commonly the cheeks and nose, or the cheeks and jaw line. Melasma also can cause patches of pigmentation on the forearms, but this is rare.

  Skin Tags and Seborrheic Keratoses

  What's This Strange Mole? Self-Examination For Skin Cancer
Most people have freckles, birthmarks, or moles, but any irregularities or a change in the shape, edge, colour or size can be warning signs of skin cancer. Skin cancer can take 20 years or more to develop. Many forms grow slowly, but some melanomas may grow quickly. If found in the early stages it's very treatable, and the way to find it early is by doing a self-exam every three to six months. This should take no more than 5 or 10 minutes, 10 minutes that could save your life.

For complete information about caring for your skin, click on www.SkinCare patients portal

The SkinCare patients portal Network of dermatology-related websites was founded by a prestigious group of international dermatologists. It provides comprehensive information for patients and physicians about the skin, its care and various skin conditions and treatments. Content is reviewed by an independent Board of Medical Advisors to ensure that the information is accurate, unbiased and up-to-date. This information is not intended to replace a consultation with your own physician.